What if you’re highest cash month was just on the other side of your next breakthrough? 


30 DAYS for $30

Monthly membership will be $97/month after initial 30 day trial period

This is for you if you’re a deep feeler, an empath, a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) with a big heart that wants to help heal and change the world with the work you do. 

This is for you if you’ve tried so many different strategies and are tired of trying to figure it all out on your own (after all, you only started a business to put your beauty, creativity, or services out into the world to help others.) 

This is for you if you’re ready to do the work with both strategy (20%) and mindset/wealth energetics (80%) to bring in the next level of success. 

This is for you if you’re deeply committed to the work you do, and you’re looking for a community of like minded female and non-binary Creative Entrepreneurs, Coaches, and Healers to support and encourage you. 



The key to unlocking the next level of your business is releasing the fears (ego) that's clouding the waters. I'll walk you through some of my favorite practices to shift things quickly and bring in unexpected clients!

Coaching Call

Come join this beautiful community of gorgeous souls, doing incredible things in the world! Get hot seat coaching and experience quantum leaps as you witness others, too! 

Wealth Energetic Practices

Weekly Sales Strategies

Fresh, weekly inspiration on how to shift sales from feeling "ick" to seeing sales as service, and bring in your highest cash months yet! 


See what my clients are saying ... 

You're ready to ...


...for the work you do, because you know that it's meaningful and inspiring (and maybe even world changing!)

step into the most abundant time of your life

... and you’re ready and willing to do the inner healing that brings joy, peace, and ease that deeply saturates your life. 

enjoy the freedom of taking a whole month off

... to travel the world and be creatively inspired, without worrying about where your next sale will come from (because you have a strategy that works and a system to keep it running smoothly.) 

Be well supported

... so that you can focus on serving your people, doing what you came to this lifetime to do! (Paint, draw, therapy, coaching, holding space for your clients) … instead of spending all of your time stressing about how to market and sell.


An Inspiring Community so you can grow alongside other business owners who have big dreams and are willing to invest in themselves (because none of us are meant to do this alone!) 

A library of mindset tools and strategy tips that gets updated WEEKLY, so you can pick and choose what is most supportive for you! (Note this library includes the same tools and resources I used to achieve $250k in one business and $80k months in the other) 

Instagram Strategy and Content ideas, so you don't have to reinvent the wheel every time you show up on social. 


30 DAYS for $30

Monthly membership will be $97/month after initial 30 day trial period

In this community, you'll find

Weekly Inspiration

+ wealth energetics 

+ sales strategies without the "ick" factor

+ Monthly challenges and prizes

+ live coaching calls with elizabeth

ready to join the club?

30 days for $30

Using these same tools like EFT/Tapping, energy work, journaling, and guided meditations, I’ve been able watch $327K drop into my bank account, launch a new program and hit $80K months in 90 days, attract new wedding clients that booked my highest package ever and asked to pay me MORE on the sales call!!!

I’ve been able to release the upper limits and create safety in my body (nervous system regulation) to receive more. 

I want to teach you how, too! 



I know some part of you has questioned if you’re even cut out for this.

I mean, after all, there’s a reason you weren’t a business/marketing major in college. 

Sometimes you may even doubt if your work is good enough and if people might think you’re crazy for believing you could actually turn this into a career. (That sneaky imposter syndrome is so real sometimes!) 

you're not alone in this

don't worry, me too...

I get it. I’ve been there, too.

As an Art major in college, never once would I have imagined I’d be here today teaching marketing and mindset to other soulful entrepreneurs, running not one, but TWO successful businesses! 

From a cubicle job as a graphic designer (that I hated …. Cried my eyes out on the way to work every day by the end!) to starting a business that nearly went bankrupt 10 years later … to doing a DEEP DIVE into marketing, business, and strategy as I rebuilt the business … 

I’ve learned some major lessons the hard way over the years, and I’m so proud to say that my photography business is 85% run by my team, and it's thriving.  :) 

I’ve believe that even though our brains are convinced a new strategy is what we need to grow, it's usually mindset and energetics that are causing the gap between where we are and what we desire. 

I believe that success is only 20% strategy and 80% mindset and energetics. 

… and repetition is the name of the game when it comes to forming new neural pathways which is why The Collective is set up to deliver weekly mindset tools, resources, and strategy tips.. 

Plus, an entire content library of tools and resources for you to use on the go! 

After investing wild amounts into education myself, plus nearly two decades of trial and error in my own businesses ....

You get a free gift just for trying the monthly membership today! 


My subconscious reprogramming course, the Money Magnet Bundle: MONEY WITH EASE, which will jump start your journey with the exact tools and techniques I've used to help grow and scale my businesses from a place of deep alignment and inner healing. 

Free today (Normally $222)

Yours, free, with a $97/month membership trial
of 30 days for $30 

i want these results, too!
Sign me up for 30 days for $30


You have a unique, authentic perspective the world needs to hear. 

This isn’t for you if you’re looking for a course/program to help you refine the actual skill or craft of what you do.The content and support is designed to help you market and sell your craft, rather than develop your skills as an artist or service provider."

It’s not for you If you're weirded out by energy cleanings, tapping, affirmations, mindset work, manifestation, embodiment practices, or ancestral healing.

...Or template that will solve all your problems? If so, this isn’t for you ... because, let's be real: those never worked for you, anyway. 

looking for a quick fix?


Daily inspiration to remind you that business gets to be easy and fun, creating the life of your dreams.
